Scholar Bio
Robert Mayhew is a professor of philosophy at Seton Hall University, where he has taught for over twenty years.
Dr. Mayhew’s primary research interests are in ancient philosophy. His most recent publication in the field is Theophrastus of Eresus: On Winds (Brill). Other books are Prodicus the Sophist(Oxford UP); Aristotle: Problems (Harvard UP); and Plato: Laws 10 (Oxford UP). He recently completed a book on Aristotle’s lost Homeric Problems.
Dr. Mayhew also has a serious scholarly interest in Ayn Rand. He is the author of Ayn Rand and “Song of Russia”: Communism and Anti-Communism in 1940s Hollywood, and editor of a collection of essays on each of her four novels. He has also edited some of Ayn Rand’s previously unpublished works: Ayn Rand’s Marginalia, The Art of Nonfiction, Ayn Rand Answers, and most recently, Ayn Rand’s The Unconquered (a play based on We the Living).
Dr. Mayhew serves on the boards of the Ayn Rand Institute and the Anthem Foundation for Objectivist Scholarship.
Books and Articles
Board Member
- Board of DirectorsAnthem Foundation for Objectivist Scholarship
- PhilosophySeton Hall University
Steering Committee Member
- Ayn Rand Society
Selected Work
Book Chapters
- “The Sacred in We the Living” in Essays on Ayn Rand’s “We the Living,” 2nd ed., 2012
- “Humor in The Fountainhead” in Essays on Ayn Rand’s “The Fountainhead” 2007
- “Anthem: ’38 & ’46” in Essays on Ayn Rand’s “Anthem” 2005
- “Kira Argounova Laughed: Humor and Joy in We the Living” in Essays on Ayn Rand’s “We the Living” 2nd ed., 2012
- “On Problemata XXIX 13: Peripatetic Legal Justice and the Case of Jury Ties” in Studi sui Problemata Physica Aristotelici 2011
- “Rulers and Ruled” in A Companion to Aristotle 2009
- “The Theology of the Laws” in Plato’s Laws: A Critical Guide2010
Scholarly Articles
- “‘God or Some Human’: On the Source of Law in Plato’s Laws” in Ancient Philosophy 2011
- “Prayer in Plato’s Laws” in Apeiron 2008
- “Aristotle on Prayer” in Rhizai 2007
- “Persuasion and Compulsion in Plato, Laws 10” in Polis 2007
- “M.G.M.’s Potemkin Church: Religion in Song of Russia” in American Communist History 2002
- “Part and Whole in Aristotle’s Political Philosophy” in Journal of Ethics 1997
- “Aristotle on Property” in Review of Metaphysics 1993
Talks & Lectures
- “Ayn Rand’s Sacred Atheism”
- “Thales and the Birth of Philosophy in Ancient Greece”
- “Ayn Rand on Humor”
- “Ayn Rand’s HUAC Testimony”
- “Aristotle and the Renaissance”
- “Aristotle, Ideology, and the Number of Teeth in Women”