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Dr. Leonard Peikoff offers an intensive analysis of the process of evaluative judgment, applying the enormously abstract subject of morality to difficult cases. These lectures are invaluable guides for making moral decisions, an immensely important skill described by Ayn Rand in her essay “How Does One Lead a Rational Life in an Irrational Society?”:
“[T]o pronounce moral judgment is an enormous responsibility. To be a judge, one must possess an unimpeachable character; one need not be omniscient or infallible, and it is not an issue of errors of knowledge; one needs an unbreached integrity, that is, the absence of any indulgence in conscious, willful evil. Just as a judge in a court of law may err, when the evidence is inconclusive, but may not evade the evidence available, nor accept bribes, nor allow any personal feeling, emotion, desire or fear to obstruct his mind’s judgment of the facts of reality—so every rational person must maintain an equally strict and solemn integrity in the courtroom within his own mind, where the responsibility is more awesome than in a public tribunal, because he, the judge, is the only one to know when he has been impeached.”
Disclaimer: Although Dr. Peikoff granted permission for the creation of this course in a new format, he has not reviewed or approved any of its content.
Recorded as part of Lyceum Conference 1995 in San Francisco, CA.